Thursday, May 15, 2008


A couple of months ago, while taking a bath Olivia started talking about Mr. Ray. I had no idea what or who she meant. At first I thought is was some perverted man. Well soon after, I realized she was talking about her washcloth. I thought it was funny that she named her washcloth Mr. Ray. Well the light went off in my head when Olivia and I watched "Nemo" and I realized that Nemo's teacher's name is Mr. Ray. The majority of her washclothes are blue and they kind of look like a stingray. So anytime she is in the bathtub she wants to play with "Mr. Ray."
This morning I was giving her a bath and she asked for Mr. Ray so she could wipe her face. I think this is one of her funniest things she has ever said. It is amazing what goes on her in head and how she comes up with these things. She definitely keeps Peter and I entertained.

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