Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pictures from the past couple of days!!

Sunday, I took Olivia to a birthday party at the Little Gym for one of the little girls in her class. She had fun but she sat with me for half of the party. A couple of months ago Peter took her to a party at the same place and she played for the entire time. I just don't understand what goes through her little mind.

Yesterday, Sherri and I took the girls to the Houston Arboretum. We had planned to walk the Outer Loop which is 1.9 miles but the girls started to whine after 5 minutes of walking. Olivia was tired and wanted me to hold her and Zoe wanted us to walk slower. Needless to say we didn't walk the Outer Loop... we ended up walking most of the Inner Loop. What I don't understand is their daddies took them on Saturday and did they whine??? NO!! I guess they think their mommies are pushovers.

Today after I picked up Olivia from school I bribed her yet again with a treat so she would take pictures with a smile on her face. This time she got a Weight Watchers fudgesicle. We have azaleas in our courtyard and on the side of the house and I wanted to get pictures with Olivia in front of them. I think they turned out good but she did do her cheesey smile quite a bit.

1 thoughts:

Amie said...

Thanks for posting the button for Wild Olive tees! You have been entered into the giveaway!

btw-Love the pics of Olivia with the flowers. And that dress... too cute!
