Saturday, October 18, 2008

I've been tagged!

I have been tagged by Tamara @ She has the two cutest little girls from China.

I have to share 7 random or weird facts about myself.

1. I wish I could be on Dancing with the Stars. I love to dance and everytime I watch I keep hoping they will allow one non-star/celebrity to compete and it would be me.

2. I love Bon Jovi and actually pinched Jon Bon Jovi on his buttocks. When I around 19 yrs old Bon Jovi came to Beaumont for a concert and was to appear on a local radio station. My cousin, Jana and I sat outside the radio station for a couple of hours waiting for him to show up. I remembered he showed up in a black Trans Am (I am dating myself) and his hair was big and he had on a pair of cut offs and a beater shirt. He walked past me and when he was going into the station I pinched him.

3. My mother likes to think she handpicked my husband for me. Long story.

4. I am a preacher's wife. Never in my life would I have ever dreamed I would marry a preacher. But it's good!!

5. I am addicted to Wii Fit. It is so much fun. Some of my favorites are the hula hoop and the ski slalom. I didn't realize I was so competitive until everytime my husband would get a better score or time I felt the need to beat it. Who knew?!?

6. I never finished college but I would like to go back to school but right now the thought of doing homework gags me.

7. And the saddest thing of all is that I don't know 7 people with blogs so I won't be able to tag 7 but I really wanted to participate.

So here are the people...

My friend Sherri @ She has become a very good friend of mine and her daughter (from Gansu) is one of Olivia's favorite people.

Sunny @ She found me through blogs by Danielle because her daughter Jillian is also from ZhiJiang.

Sharon @ She used the same adoption agency as we did and lives in Katy. Her daughter Emma is a cutie.

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