Friday, September 12, 2008

Take a hike Ike... part deaux!

It is around 8:45 on Friday evening and we are still waiting Ike's arrival. The wind is starting to pick up but so far no rain. Our front doors are around 11 ft tall and the only thing that is keeping the door closed is a deadbolt so we had to put my treadmill against the doors wouldn't fly open. I can hear the doors move back and forth. Olivia is sleeping on her little cot in our room and we brought down the top mattress out of the guest room so my parents can sleep down in the den. I think the majority of Houston besides the people in certain zip codes that had to evacuate are going to ride it out. Basically the city gov't told not to evacuate because they didn't want to have another Rita fiasco on their hands. Our county judge basically told us to "hunker down".

I went to the store this morning for a few last minute things and the majority of the people there had either beer or wine in their carts. I guess if you have to ride out a hurricane you mind as well have a few cocktails.

All we have done all day long is watch either the Weather Channel or our local news. I must admit that Ike is not here yet and I am already sick of him. We we watching the news and they were showing video of Galveston and there was a sign saying something like "Go away Ike... Tina is not here". I thought that was funny.

1 thoughts:

Life with JJ, Starr and Spice said...

I hope you weathered the storm OK. Please let us know that you are OK when you get your electricity back on.

Lori - Mei Dreamer