Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Guitar Hero & Missing Olivia
Olivia has been at my parents house since Sunday afternoon so every evening Peter and I have been playing Guitar Hero and watching college football. I love playing Guitar Hero and I am getting pretty good. I even got an encore!! But it will have to stop tomorrow being an everyday thing because Olivia is coming home. I really have missed her alot. I just miss her presence. Peter and I have talked to her everyday and she is having and I quote, "Fun, fun, fun!" She told my mom that she wanted to stay 5 more days. I don't think she understands the concept of 5 more days but she likes to put up her hand with her 5 fingers everytime she says it. My mom and dad had gone to Branson, Mo at the beginning of December and the local Disney store was having a sale so mom bought her an Ariel head she can play with and comb Ariel's hair, a Disney tea set and an Ariel to play in the bathtub. So once she got there she was having fun. Plus she loves to go outside with my dad and help him. So Peter is getting up in the morning and meeting my parents in Anahuac while I go grocery shopping for my green bean bundles I am taking to the Sakson's tomorrow night for New Year's Eve. I want to get to the store early so I won't have to battle the crowds. After work today I went shopping at the store and purchased $511 worth of clothes for $207. They are having their annual New Year's Day sale on Thursday and I get to shop early and get all the discounts. I am going in for a little while on that day so if there is anything left I may buy more. I know I must have missed something.
I hope everyone has a Wonderful and Safe New Year's Eve!!
posted by brooke at 7:10 PM 0 thoughts
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Bedtime Stories
Peter and I went to see the new Adam Sandler movie, B*dtime St*ries. It was very cute and definitely a family movie. No cussing, violence or sex scenes. I would have taken Olivia. My only gripe is for the people that get to the movie at or after the time the movie is suppose to start. The theatre was packed and there were people asking other people to move down or to move to a totally different row because they were late and they wanted to sit with their party. Granted the majority of the people had kids and I can understand wanting to sit with my child but they could have gotten to the theatre on time. This man went down a couple of rows asking people who they were with and if they could move so his family could sit down. It was very uncomfortable to watch. He was basically standing over people asking. He went down about 3 rows before he found some spaces and then asked these 2 young girls to move to a different row so his family could sit together. It was so rude. The movie had not started but the lights were about to go down and the previews were about to start. As far as I am concerned the movie starts with the previews. I get to the movies at least 20 minutes ahead of time so I can get the seat I want. I don't want someone coming in and asking me to move because they were late. It is very irritating. I am an on time person and even if I wasn't on time I would never ask someone to move because I was late.
posted by brooke at 5:14 PM 0 thoughts
Friday, December 26, 2008
Introducing Alexa!
This morning Olivia and I got on the computer to find a name for her new baby. Yesterday she wanted to call her Olivia but I told her she already had a baby named Olivia. So I find baby names and start with "A" and tell her quite a few names and was about to go to the "B's" when she said she wanted to name her Alexa. Zoe's middle name is Alexa. I am not sure if Olivia knows that are not but I couldn't believe that Alexa was the name she picked.
posted by brooke at 10:05 AM 0 thoughts
Merry Christmas
We had a wonderful Christmas!!! My parents, brother and his family and my cousin and her husband all came over to my house for Christmas. This is the first year I have ever had a holiday at my house. I felt like such an adult. My mom made her famous gumbo for lunch and it was delicious. We have so much food left over and I have no idea what to do with it. I really don't want to eat it. Peter made it worse by bringing food home from church. On Christmas Eve day none of the ministers and people helping with the services leave the church for lunch or dinner so people send food for everyone. Since Peter is in charge of worship he gets to bring all the food home. We have about 5 bags of chips, tamales, ham and the list goes on not counting the chicken spaghetti I had made for Christmas Eve and gumbo and pie and more. I gained 5 more lbs just thinking about and listing all the food.
After our lunch a lot of us sat around and talked. Peter and Jared played XBox, Olivia bossed Joel around and made him play with her and my brother and dad fell asleep. Once everyone woke up Peter got the Wii out and we all piled in the den and played and watched the Wii. The guys first played baseball and boxed and then Guitar Hero. Almost everyone had a turn at the guitar. It is a lot of fun. I am not very good at it but I do ok. After playing Guitar Hero I got out the Fit games and we hoola hooped; ski slalomed and skied. It was so funny watching everyone. When my mom skied she thought all she had to do was just ski straight down. She didn't realize she had to go in between the gates. It was such a fun day.
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!
posted by brooke at 8:20 AM 0 thoughts
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Eve!!
The Saksons came over before our Christmas Eve service so Olivia and Zoe could exchange gifts. Olivia got the Ariel pj's that she is wearing in the pictures. Thanks Zoe!!!
Thanks MeMaw & PawPaw!
The story behind the necklace is... I picked up Olivia on the last day of school and on the door there was a list of things that the kids wanted from Santa Claus. I looked for Olivia's name and beside it was a star. I thought that was a little strange. So in recent conversations with her I would say something about Santa and she would tell me he is bringing her a star. I am really not sure why she wants a star but I think she has heard the story of Jesus in Sunday School and at Day School so I think the star that the Wise Men followed to Jesus has something to do with it. So I told my Mom about it and she got Olivia a star necklace and she was so excited it. She told me she got her star for Christmas. So sweet!!
posted by brooke at 9:02 AM 0 thoughts
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Is it Christmas yet?
I was just getting off the computer from posting my last post and Olivia came up to me and said, "Is it Christmas yet?" This is probably the 5th or 6th time she has asked me that since we put the Christmas tree up last weekend and she found presents under it. When she saw the presents the first thing she asked was, "Can I open my presents now?" I have had to warn her a couple of times that if there are any presents opened then Santa will not come visit her. I know I'm a terrible :-) mom but I don't want her to spoil her Christmas.
posted by brooke at 6:49 PM 0 thoughts
A Fun Saturday!
posted by brooke at 6:32 PM 0 thoughts
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Angels Among Us
I have two stories to tell. The first one just happened today. I got to work around 10:00 and talked to some of the ladies for a few minutes and then went upstairs to my cubby hole. About 10 minutes later one of the ladies buzzed Lisa (manager) breathlessly and told her some man just stole her (Lisa’s) purse. The owner, Lisa and I run downstairs. What happened was when Lisa came into the store she put her purse on the cash wrap. A man came in and one of the ladies asked him if he needed any help… well the next thing they knew he had grabbed Lisa’s purse and ran out the door. One of the customers saw him do it and ran after him and got the license plate # of the stolen truck he was in. One of the first things I thought was what if Lisa’s purse was not sitting on the counter. Would he have demanded money from the cash drawer? The police were called and we found out that the truck was stolen and it had a gun in it so we have no idea if he had it on him when he was in the store. We all came to the conclusion, even Lisa, that we would have rather a purse get stolen then someone killed. Someone was definitely watching out for us today.
The other story is one my Mom told me a couple of days ago and it brought chills. Not long ago my Mom’s best friend’s 2 ½ year old granddaughter, Abigail, was looking out the window. She called to her mother and told her to come here because her angel was outside. Well Juanita told her no she wasn’t going to look out the window. The little girl asked her a few more times and finally she looked out the window and of course saw nothing. The next morning Juanita asked Abigail what she wanted for breakfast and Abigail replied… milk and M&M’s. Juanita told her no but Abigail kept asking for it but of course didn’t get it. A while later Abigail and Juanita were looking at Juanita’s wedding album. They came upon a picture with all the bridesmaid and Abigail pointed to one of them and told Juanita, “That’s my angel.” Her angel died a few years ago from a brain aneurism and loved to eat milk and M&M’s for breakfast. I have always heard that children can see things (angels) because their minds are so pure. I love knowing and believing there are angels everywhere.
The other story is one my Mom told me a couple of days ago and it brought chills. Not long ago my Mom’s best friend’s 2 ½ year old granddaughter, Abigail, was looking out the window. She called to her mother and told her to come here because her angel was outside. Well Juanita told her no she wasn’t going to look out the window. The little girl asked her a few more times and finally she looked out the window and of course saw nothing. The next morning Juanita asked Abigail what she wanted for breakfast and Abigail replied… milk and M&M’s. Juanita told her no but Abigail kept asking for it but of course didn’t get it. A while later Abigail and Juanita were looking at Juanita’s wedding album. They came upon a picture with all the bridesmaid and Abigail pointed to one of them and told Juanita, “That’s my angel.” Her angel died a few years ago from a brain aneurism and loved to eat milk and M&M’s for breakfast. I have always heard that children can see things (angels) because their minds are so pure. I love knowing and believing there are angels everywhere.
posted by brooke at 2:50 PM 0 thoughts
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Snow in Houston?!?!
It supposedly snowed today in Houston. It don't think it snowed in my part but it did sleet. I know north of Houston had some flurries.
I grew up 90 miles east of Houston and I can remember twice when it really snowed... meaning it accumulated on the ground and stayed with us for a day. I was in kindergarten and I remember building a snowman; my mom making snow ice cream and her putting plastic bags over our shoes so our feet wouldn't get wet.
Then it snowed when I was in 7th grade. I remember it was on a weekend so a few of my friends and I went walking around the town. What I remember most is busting my booty on a long wooden sidewalk. We were running down it and I fell and slid half way down the side walk. Good times!
Olivia will lay down and pretend to make snow angels. I can't wait for the day that she will be able to really make snow angels.
posted by brooke at 6:06 PM 0 thoughts
Monday, December 8, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree!
Last night while we were decorating the Christmas, Olivia would sing, "Oh Christmas Tree... Oh Christmas Tree... Oh Christmas Tree... OOOOOHHHHH Christmas Tree" everytime she would put an ornament on the tree. I really have no idea where she got that from... for all I know I was singing that while we were putting the tree up or maybe she got it from school but she sang the song with the correct melody. She just amazes me.
posted by brooke at 6:21 PM 0 thoughts
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Santa Claus
Today at church was our annual "March to the Manger". Most of the Sunday school age children bring an unwrapped toy for a local charity and then go to the manger and see Mary, Joseph and Jesus. It is great because we have real people playing them and they are told a little story and then sing a few songs. I teach a 3 yr old class and some of the kids didn't understand having to leave there gifts and got a little upset. They are so cute.
After Sunday school we had a luncheon so Olivia and I went because Peter was still in service. I enjoy being the preacher's wife the majority of the time but sometimes Olivia and I have to do a lot of things by ourselves because Peter is busy. Anyway, Santa made an appearance so I got a picture of Olivia with him. I am so glad because that means we don't have to go to the mall. She had her picture taken last week but I don't get a cd with the pictures I order and I like to put a picture of Olivia with Santa on the blog. I hope to get the Christmas tree up today. We bought a new one yesterday because our pre-lit tree's lights went out last year and Hobby Lobby was having a great sale on trees. So once Olivia gets up from her nap I hope to get it up and decorated. Next weekend we are making Christmas cookies so I will post pictures once we are done.
posted by brooke at 12:00 PM 0 thoughts
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thanksgiving, Book Fair & 9th Wedding Anniversary
I have been wanting to post for the past week but I couldn't find my cord to download my pictures. I finally found it today in my car of all places.
We had Thanksgiving at Peter's parents in Oklahoma and had a wonderful time. The weather was great so we got to get out and do some fun stuff. Last year the temperature didn't get out of the 30's or 40's so we stayed pretty much the entire time.
We went to bricktown and rode the boat down the riverwalk and ate at Toby Keith's restaurant. We got to see Peter's sister, his nephew and wife and 3 great nephews. It was a good time. Sorry for the short post I had so much more in my head to write a week ago. Enjoy the pictures.
Olivia's Day School Book Fair
This past week was Olivia's day school book fair. It was a lot of fun. Olivia got her picture taken with Santa Claus and on the last night there was a pizza party for pirates and mermaids. Ariel put in an appearance and sang a couple of songs.
Our 9 Year Wedding Anniversary
I can't believe we have been married for 9 years. We have been through a lot together in those short years. From Peter going back into the local church just a year after we were married even though he said he would never go back into the local church and I said I would never be a preacher's wife (G*d sure has a funny sense of humor); trying to have a child for 3 1/2 years and nearly 2 of those years doing fertility treatments to deciding to adopt a child from China; finding out a month after receiving our referral for Olivia we were moving to Houston; going to China to adopt Olivia and then only being home for 2 1/2 weeks before moving to Houston; leaving a church that we were at for 5 years and missing everyone terribly once we moved to Houston; moving away from my parents just when we get Olivia; starting over in a new church; trying to figure out how to be a Mom and Dad to an 11 month old. We managed to get through all of that and more and still have a terrific marriage. I look forward to many more years with my wonderful husband.
posted by brooke at 5:10 PM 0 thoughts
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