Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Guitar Hero & Missing Olivia

Olivia has been at my parents house since Sunday afternoon so every evening Peter and I have been playing Guitar Hero and watching college football. I love playing Guitar Hero and I am getting pretty good. I even got an encore!! But it will have to stop tomorrow being an everyday thing because Olivia is coming home. I really have missed her alot. I just miss her presence. Peter and I have talked to her everyday and she is having and I quote, "Fun, fun, fun!" She told my mom that she wanted to stay 5 more days. I don't think she understands the concept of 5 more days but she likes to put up her hand with her 5 fingers everytime she says it. My mom and dad had gone to Branson, Mo at the beginning of December and the local Disney store was having a sale so mom bought her an Ariel head she can play with and comb Ariel's hair, a Disney tea set and an Ariel to play in the bathtub. So once she got there she was having fun. Plus she loves to go outside with my dad and help him. So Peter is getting up in the morning and meeting my parents in Anahuac while I go grocery shopping for my green bean bundles I am taking to the Sakson's tomorrow night for New Year's Eve. I want to get to the store early so I won't have to battle the crowds. After work today I went shopping at the store and purchased $511 worth of clothes for $207. They are having their annual New Year's Day sale on Thursday and I get to shop early and get all the discounts. I am going in for a little while on that day so if there is anything left I may buy more. I know I must have missed something.
I hope everyone has a Wonderful and Safe New Year's Eve!!

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